Most women don't give a second thought to what happens to their placenta after the birth of their child. More women should care. As taboo as it is, the placenta is full of nutrients that aid the mother in the postpartum time. Before I get gross on you, let me just tell you I am not one of those women who can actually consume a placenta. I have total respect for them and if that is something you choose to do all the more power to you. I am a woman who did not know about the benefits of the placenta when I gave birth to my son, after I had him I started learning. So if you or someone you know just found out you are pregnant first off, Congratulations! Second, how much do you know about pregnancy and childbirth? I would like to give you give you a glimpse at the organ that will be sustaining your child during your pregnancy.
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What are the benefits of encapsulating your placenta?
- During a birth women lose blood, it is just a fact, the placenta if prepared properly can help give the mother iron to boost her blood again. It can also help with postpartum bleeding.
- One of the main things placenta encapsulation is known for is its ability of fighting off the baby blues and postpartum depression.
- The nutrients in the placenta can give you increased energy.
- Breastfeeding is work and the placenta capsules cannot make it less work but some mother's have noticed an increase in their milk supply.
- There have also been women who notice less sleep deprivation.
There is no pill or capsule that is more unique, or more perfect for the momma, than one that is made especially for her body. It is such an amazing gift that your child has essentially given to you kind of as a "thanks for growing me mom" kind of present..